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Category Archives: Photography

Hey everyone

While out walking in the woods I saw my first lot of Snowdrops, which for me is a sign that spring is on its way.

I love spring its has to be my favorite time of year.

Hope you enjoy !



Hey everyone

The last few weeks, I have been taking my camera out with me, while I was out walking, my dog Jack , who is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and my best friend 😀

Here is the photos I took, I had such good fun taking these.

Hope you enjoy !

Hey everyone,

I was trying my hand at some close-ups of frost on leaves and grass while out walking, something I have tried before and not quite got it right, but this time I got there, was even worth the cold hands 😀

Here are the shots hope you enjoy !




Hey everyone

While out and about in Towneley Park woods, I captured these shots of the wonderful Great Tit, common but sure fun to watch .

Hope you enjoy !

Hey everyone

I went out at the weekend for a long walk and had the wonderful time of watching a couple of Nuthatches in the woods.

Here are some of the shots, such a wonderful bird.

Hope you enjoy !

Hey everyone.

The weather has calm down enough in the last week, so I could get out with my camera and take some wonderful shots  of Lancashire in the snow .

It was cold, but so worth the walk to the top of Burnley. The colour and views was awesome.

Hope you enjoy !



A wonderful view of Pendle hill, all snowy with sheep in the foreground.



The wonderful fields covered in new snow fall.

A closer view of Pendle Hill, looking down on the Lancashire valley, looking as wonderful as ever.


Hey everyone

I was out walking the other day and spotted this wonderful duck in our local nature reserve.

Mandarin Ducks are a rare site in the North West of England and are so awesome, I was over the moon to see one, the colours are wonderful and I love the reflection.

Hope you enjoy !


Hey everyone
I am not the biggest fan of Grey Squirrel’s due to the huge loss of our native Red Squirrel, but even I have to say this little guy is so sweet, sat out in the early morning frost looking for food.
Hope you enjoy !


Hey everyone
This is a photo I took up Towneley  park, while walking in the dark woods, the warm sun light at the end off the path.
Just like life’s paths, I hope there is always light at the end of everyone paths they take in life 🙂

Hope you enjoy !

Hey everyone

Hope everyone has had a wonderful new year and 2015 is a good year.

Here is a photo I took over the new year, with the lovely frost on the trees, perfect winter walking day.

Coal Tits are one of my favorite bird, so sweet and small.

Hope you enjoy !
