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Hello Everyone

I’m Kelly

I am currently a working  artist in Photography, Illustration and Crafts.

This is a blog to document my work as well as to connect with the public, get feedback and make my work more accessible to people.

All comments good or bad are welcome and I appreciate them all.

If you would like any prints, information on commissions or question please feel free to get in touch.

© Kelly Dewhurst and wonderfulworldwelivein, 2013 . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kelly Dewhurst and wounderfulworldwelivein with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


  1. Beautiful work~

  2. T%hanks for subscribing to my blog. At the moment you’ll be able to find more than 1800 ‘full screen photos’ from Norway, – and more coming . . . Please enjoy!

  3. hey there, thanks for popping by and having a look at my writings and photos. Keep up with the great work here!

  4. thanks for stopping by and liking my recent post. Best Wishes!

  5. Greetings Kelly,
    I like the name and content of your blog page, and enjoy your photographs. I appreciate your ‘like ‘on my site.

    • H Michael and thank you very much i am glad you like the blog and your welcome 😀

  6. Thanks for becoming a Follower. Happy blogging.

  7. Thanks so much for stopping by and enjoying my post–I have enjoyed looking at several of yours, as well! Regards.

  8. Hi Kelly,

    thanks for liking my post about the starlings in my neighbourhood. Enjoyed seeing your woodpecker photos

  9. Hi Kelly,
    thanks for liking my article. You have some beautiful photos of nature, buildings and animals. Thank you.

    • Thank you very much and you are very welcome its an interesting blog 😀

  10. Hi.
    Thanks for taking the time to read what I had to say.
    Im new to this whole blogosphere, I cant believecsomebody has already checked it out.

    • Hi you are very welcome I enjoyed your blog and I understand what you mean I haven’t been doing it long either and I am still surprised at times, happy blogging x

  11. Thank you for liking my post ‘…close-up’. I love your blog. And the most recent posts are just stunning. x

  12. Congratulations, Kelly!

    I have nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award.

    More about this nomination is at

    Versatile Blogger Award, thanks Rhubblog Administrator!

  13. Hey thanks for the visit and like on my blog, you have a great blog here.

  14. Thanks for your Like on one of my posts. You’ve got some really nice work here! Still kind of new to this myself.

  15. Thanks for stopping by and liking my blog. Most appreciated. Happy blogging.

  16. Hi Kelly, thanks for following my blog. You have some wonderful images here, well done!

  17. I have just popped in to view your blog Kelly. Great photos of woodpeckers. Even better as they are from Burnley! I used to play in Towneley park as a lad in the 60’s. Loved it. Loved the rhododendrons in the spring. Keep on posting.

    • aww thank you very much and thank you for stopping by. I have to agree they are beautiful woodpeckers, where my high light of my summer.
      Most of my photography is taken around burnley, if not mostly in Lancashire, its such a beautiful county 😀

  18. Thank you for the follow :-), hope you like what you see and our future posts.

  19. Hi, thanks for liking my young daughter’s photo post at I appreciate your encouragement of her. I wish you success with this blog and yor work.

  20. Thanks so much for visiting and following my Fun With Filters blog! I appreciate it very much. 😀

  21. Keep up the good work and continue to fuel your passion.

  22. Hey Kelly, nice to connect. Thanks for the LIKE on ‘root to tree’ painting. Great photographs you’ve here. They take me to a natural place I like to find within my own work. Inspiring stuff! Keep posting.

    • thank you very much, thats just what I felt looking at your painting, feels like its stepped out of nature. its great to connect 😀

  23. Hi, I nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

    • Thank you for the nomination i shall get to posting it tonight and again thank such a joy to know you like my stuff 🙂

  24. Kelly…*Thank you* for the “like” and “follow” and for the encouraging comment, especially. Looking forward to following here:)

  25. Nice work, Kelly. Good luck on your photography career.

  26. Thank you so much for visiting and following my blog.
    I look forward to doing the same with yours.
    Kind Regards my friend

  27. Awesome blog a very good read complemented by some neat photography! Keep it up!! (:

  28. thanks for stopping by and deciding to follow my blog. I enjoyed looking through your site. Best Wishes on your photography career.

  29. Hey Kelly thank you for visiting Keep picturing and liking my work. Your photographs are really awesome. Nice to meet you.. Keep in touch…:)

    • Your welcome you have some interesting work, thank you for you kind words and stopping by, much appreciated 😀

  30. Always good to meet other artists based in Central Lancs 🙂

  31. I like this. Pleasant, and enjoyable!

  32. Great pictures and artwork

  33. Thanks for stopping by my blog today, Kelly! I see you like to photography feathered friends too. 🙂 Nice blog!!

  34. Kelly, I’m so happy you stopped by and left a little trail back to your blog! I’ve only looked at several so far, but they’re just wonderful. Yes, it’s a wonderful world! Full of beauty and surprises. Thanks for helping make the loveliness of life so available.

  35. Your photos of birds are technically so strong. Better yet, they convey your deep connection with our avian friends.

    We have Great Blue Herons out here on the California coast. They look much like your Grey Herons. To watch them hunt, capture, and eat gophers is amazing and a crack-up!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting on my artist book.

  36. Hi Kelly,

    Thanks for visiting my site! I just went to your blog and you have some wonderful posting, very nice!


  37. Hello…

    I was recently ‘told off’ by a blogger (not a follower I might add), who said my style of ‘welcome’ note was very much against blogging etiquette. Hmm, well I hope not to cause offence, but as you volunteered to become a follower of Uncle Spike’s Adventures, I just wanted to catch up and say “thank you, and that I appreciate your ‘follow’ as there are so many interesting and entertaining blogs out there.

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on our farm in Turkey. Oh, plus a few observations, opinions and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    I normally keep to a couple of posts a day, maybe 3-4 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process. That’s not me trying to be pushy or ‘spamming’, but just want you to know what I’m all about.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…


  38. Thanks for the follow. I like your photos of derellict buildings. That’s a thing for me too, the way nature reclaims what was taken.

  39. Thanks for your like today on Tide Line Still Life, Kelly. Your beautiful photography make me a little homesick for Yorkshire. I live there in the early 1980’s for just a short while (the village of Thorner), but long enough to fall in love with the area. Best, Maggie

  40. A lovely shot for my first look at your work. I plan to be back often, and I thank you for your visit to my site. Take care, stay healthy and safe.

  41. Hi Kelly,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you liked it.
    I like your painting. Congrats on graduating school but I hope you can spend more time on your artwork, you really have a talent. 🙂

  42. Good Evening Kelly,
    I hope you were not looking for wildlife pictures of Mrs Turnstone and Mrs Rook in the Yorkshire Post! Thank you for praise, always welcome! Will T.

  43. Thank you for liking my post at Looking Closer…your work looks quite interesting…I look forward to checking it out…~Elizabeth

  44. Hello!!!! I nominate you for the THE SUNSHINE AWARD… for more information, please visit my blog – 🙂


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